Monday, October 25, 2010

Just Today

I woke up this morning and I was sick. Sore throat. Achy skin. Pounding head. You know the drill. It effectively made today a haze of overwhelming sensory input with waves of sniffily-ness. Although, after some Excedrin my head was feeling a lot better. Never have I had such effectiveness with Tylenol...

I had a large family dinner this evening after which I departed for Mike's to work on some homework. Janna was hanging out during most of today's activities. It certainly made everything a little better. I try and avoid mushy subjects on this here blog, but she's a wonderful girl.

Also, I finished my computer tonight. I originally thought this project would be a long time coming, but its all built now and everything's working as it should. Next stop is some peripherals and I'll be set.

The Dr. had its first rehearsal with the full band yesterday night. It sounds really nice. Probably the thing that amazed me the most is how quickly things just worked. Previously, rehearsals might have taken 3-4 hours, and still wouldn't feel solid. But after an hour of playing songs that most of the guys hadn't heard before, it just sounded incredible. Like I said, it just fell into place. Can't wait to start playing out and showing people. Soon we'll work on some proof of the new band -- rather than just stupid demos of me and my acoustic. I guess I'd tell you to head over to the Facebook or Myspace, but we don't really have much to show other than a couple of silly pictures. Speaking of:

Thats it. Sleep well everyone.

1 comment:

neil said...

you sound like a real dr. octagonecologyst
